- Flat Collar and 6 Foot leash
- Soft, small food rewards (when you have registered for classes you will be sent a list of recipes and reward suggestions
- No hard biscuits or anything that crumbles, Thank you :).
- Doggy Pick Up Bags
- Water and Water Bowl ( we don’t offer a community water bowl)
- You are welcome to bring a Clicker, however we use the marker word of Yes instead of clicker.
- Your puppy’s or dog’s favorite Toy/Tug
- Crate if you feel that your pup or dog will need it
- Head Halter if your pup or dog is hard to control – we recommend a HALTI brand.
- No Prong/Pinch Collars are allowed
- No Choke Chains
- No Electronic Shock (or vibrating) Collars allowed
- No Retractable Leashes