Our Canine Enrichment Course is a wonderful way to have fun with your dog on leash while teaching them to navigate a variety of obstacles and tasks. This very relaxed and fun class does wonders to build your dog's confidence and teach you how to safely encourage your dog to be brave when encountering something that may appear to be scary to them. This course also builds trust AND leash manners! Fun, interactive for dogs and puppies of all ages, no high impact obstacles, no speed is required for dog or owner. The Canine Enrichment Course has been very popular. Come join the fun.
After your first session of classes with On Target, we offer a 15% discount on ALL continued training.

The most informative time of a puppy’s life is the time period between 4 weeks and 4 months of age. This is a critical time to properly socialize and to start training your puppy.
For the older puppies and adult dogs of all ages to learn skills like sit, down, come, placement (stay), loose leash walking, no jumping and more.

We don’t expect our students to compete in Agility but to enjoy the absolute fun of playing the game
"Lynn’s training is positive and makes your dog “think for itself”. She gives you the tools and creative ideas in which to use them. She takes time to give you suggestions for your individual difficulties with your dog."
From AAC (Agility Association of Canada) trails and agility fun match, to our class schedule and events.